With messaging apps like WhatsApp Messenger from Meta, iMessage, Telegram, X, WeChat, and others, the landscape of communication channels is ever-expanding. Should you chase every new trend and app, or is there a more pragmatic approach? Here’s a practical perspective:
All messaging services require users to have the corresponding app installed on their smartphone or tablet. The prevalence and usage of these apps vary significantly based on the target audience’s age and geographic location. For instance, while WhatsApp dominates in Europe with an average usage rate of nearly 85%, it’s virtually non-existent in the USA. Conversely, WeChat is indispensable for reaching Asian customers. Privacy-conscious users and "conspiracy theorists" might shun these apps in favor of alternatives like Telegram.
However, let’s focus on WhatsApp, which many hotel managers in Europe currently prioritize. Yet, anyone who uses WhatsApp is familiar with the incessant stream of messages. Who hasn’t felt overwhelmed by a deluge of unread messages in their chat inbox? In 2022 alone, approximately 100 billion messages were sent daily on WhatsApp. It’s no surprise that such volume diminishes the visibility and quality of this channel as a message transmitter.