What Lessons Must Hotels Learn for GDPR Compliance?
H-Hotels¹, Motel One² or MGM³ in the U.S. The list of deadly hacking successes has skyrocketed recently. No company is safe today, regardless of size.
Smaller companies and individual hotels, in particular, tend to assume that they fly under the radar and are of no interest to hackers. But this is a misconception. Hackers rarely target organizations, but instead automatically look for gaps in IT security, such as through mass emails. The consequences can be disastrous: Company shutdown, loss of revenue, ransom payments, bad press, anxious customers, and, in the end, maybe even a penalty from data protection authorities. Because a hack with “personal data” MUST be reported, and then often unpleasant questions arise.
What should be the lessons learned from all these incidents?
You should be prepared for a data protection incident. It is only a matter of time when it hits you and then you should be able to react properly.
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